Monday, June 12, 2006


FINALLY!!! After almost 12 weeks of waiting, Ken finally got his 2007 Camry SE. He loves it!

Awesome Cousins!!

Zach & Sarah loved being with Kevin & Andrew while we were at Grandma & Poppy's house. We really appreciate them playing with Zach & Sarah. It made their vacation extra special!


Zach & Sarah LOVE jumping on and piling up on Dad!!

What a Beautiful Butterfly!

Giraffes- Up Close & Personal!

The giraffes were very eager to come over to say "Hi" and even more so to let us feed them! Zach & Sarah weren't sure about their long sticky tongues. It was very cool to feed and pet them!!


Armarment Museum

Ken, Poppy, Zach, Sarah & I went to the Air Force Armarment Museum. Zach & Sarah's favorite thing was to see if they could fit under all of the planes! Ken's favorite plane is the A-10. My favorite is the F-16. Sarah liked the "Huey" helicopter. Zach couldn't decide. He liked most of the planes and also liked all the missles they had there!

Playgrounds are FUN!!

Zach & Sarah had lots of fun at a playground near Grandma & Poppy's house in Ft. Walton Beach, FL.