Friday, September 08, 2006

Slip n' Slide

Zach & Sarah had a blast on the slip n' slide!


Gigi and Papa came to visit over Labor Day weekend. Sarah LOVES Gigi to death and was stuck to Gigi like glue! Gigi enjoyed every minute of it!!!

1st Day of Preschool!!

Sarah started going to preschool (she's in the 2's class). She has been reluctant to have Mommy leave, but once she's in the class she has a blast! She talks about school all the time!


I can't believe Zach is going to Kindergarten already. Zach seems to love school. He just started riding the bus and thinks that it is WAY COOL!!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Swimming Lessons

Zach and Sarah took swimming lessons over the summer. Sarah learned how to swim without any flotation while Zach learned freestyle and bacstroke. They did awesome! We are so proud of them!!

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

It started POURING in the middle of Zach and Sarah's swim class. They had to eventually get out of the pool because it was raining so hard! They were a little sad since it was their last day of swim class.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rainbow at the Beach

We had to dodge the typical summer FL thunderstorms but were able to see a rainbow while playing on the beach. Pretty cool!


We all had a great time building sand castles!

Sunset at the Beach

We spent the weekend at a beachhouse on Anna Maria Island. Zach and Sarah loved it! Sarah wasn't even afraid of going in the ocean this time. They played in the sand and surf until the last rays of light started fading.